- Reliability
- Up to 15% more return
Corporate social responsibility
De Leerfabriek is strongly anchored in the Waalwijk community. A part of our revenue and customer portfolio comes from this region. Because of these strong Waalwijk roots, we feel a strong societal involvement towards the area.
Societal involvement
Omgevingsdienst Midden- en West-Brabant
A healthy, clean environment for the residents of Noord-Brabant starts with us. We can make sure our organization burdens the environment as little as possible.
Omgevingsdienst Midden en West-Brabant controls the law and regulation regarding activities that influence the environment and society. The regulatory body of Omgevingsdienst Midden- en West-Brabant visits for regular check-ups to see if the situation is in order. In the last check-up, it became apparent that we have our installations in such good order that there currently is no further room for improvement. This comes down to the fact that we cannot save more energy than we now do, and we are very proud of this fact!
De Leerfabriek works together with Baanbrekers to create working opportunities for vulnerable people in the labour market. Baanbrekers is a public company for work and income. They fulfil both an economic as well as a societal role in the regional community. In the name of the municipalities of Waalwijk, Loon op Zand and Heusden, Baanbrekers provides services to employers and people distant from the labour market in an innovative way. People with labour restrictions often require extra support or an adapted workplace, making it harder for them to find a job. De Leerfabriek provides a predetermined number of jobs for people with labour restrictions. This means that employees come to us via Baanbrekers to work under our supervision and with expert guidance from Baanbrekers. The ultimate goal is to enable people to participate fully in society and work. This involves a wide range of work, for example: Packing and repacking, stitching, assembly and mounting. The employees of De Leerfabriek join in training that enables them to support people with labour restrictions competently. Currently, we have three enthusiastic and hard-working new colleagues!
GPR building certificate
With the GPR building certificate, sustainability was broadly assessed based on five topics: Energy, Environment, Health, Operational Quality and Future Value. This way, De Leerfabriek demonstrates that sustainability is more than just saving energy. As a result, De Leerfabriek’s new building is healthier and more comfortable for users and can be adapted to changing requirements.
With the GPR building certificate, De Leerfabriek demonstrates that the building has been tested and approved in accordance with widely accepted sustainability methods. The GPR building certificate expresses its score with report marks, as seen below, making it more understandable for people who are less or not at all familiar with the GPR building certificate.